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Spare Part Search

Our stock consists of over 18,000 brand-new original parts, of continued production or of remanufactured parts. Additionally, we have access to over 40,000 items worldwide.Presently we specialize in the following models (for two-wheeled vehicles please contact other well-known companies):

Steyr-Puch 500, 500D, 500DL, 700C, 650T, 650TR, 500S and all Haflinger
information, download, prices, catalogue requests (for new customers only)
Topolino, Fiat 500, 600, 770, 850, 1100, 1300, 1500, 1800, 2300,...
Fiat 124 Sport / Pininfarina Spider
Fiat 70'
Fiat 126, 128, X1/9
Lancia Fulvia, Beta,...
Autobianchi A112

original body parts remainders

Dear international Fiat, Lancia, Autobianchi customer.

Unfortunately for technical reasons we can not offer any english catalogues. The reasons are, that for older cars Steyr-Fiat did not sell all versions and used partially different parts. For younger cars polution control regulations were different to all other european countries. Therefore please use our new spare parts search.
Spare Part Search for stock and prices

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